Making a Claim Effectively and Other Insurance Tips

Construction Insurance: Understanding Common Exclusion Issues

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There are numerous risks involved in the construction industry. Therefore, it is critical for you to ensure that your business is properly covered in case of an unexpected incident. There are multiple issues that you should consider if you are planning on buying insurance for the first time or are thinking of making some changes. One of the common issues that you must address is exclusions. There are some elements which people assume are covered by their insurance policies, but they might not be included. Read More»

Liability Insurance - Why Your Company Should Have It

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If you run your own business and you employ staff to carry out work on your behalf, it’s important that your company has liability insurance.  This type of insurance is essential for employers as it provides you with protection should injury or accident occur as a result of the actions of one of your workers.  Here’s a brief guide to liability insurance to help you understand what cover you need for your business. Read More»

Considerations When Purchasing Business Insurance

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As a business owner, one of the things you will need for your business to run smoothly is business insurance. An insurance plan ensures you are covered in case of occurrence of unforeseen circumstances. It covers your investment and property in case of any losses and also takes care of medical costs if your employees or clients are injured at work. Different insurance plans offer different insurance packages for business. Since this is a long term plan, it is important to ensure that you make the best decision for your business. Read More»