When you operate a business, you understand that insurance can be essential and can help to protect you against unexpected claims. So, you may have public liability cover in place to prepare for those “trip and fall” accidents and other issues, and you may have professional indemnity insurance just in case you make a mistake. However, what would happen if your business was forced to close for a period of time due to a completely unexpected event? Read More»
If you intend to buy an existing business that operates within its own commercial structure, you may have some ambitious plans for its development. However, you must ensure that you fully protect your investment against all risks so that you can continue with your plans without unnecessary worry. Yet, are you confident that you have the right amount of coverage for your business as it stands and could you survive a catastrophic event such as a major fire? Read More»
Running a successful business involves delivering a great product or service to your customer exactly when they need it at a price that they are happy to pay. If you can meet these conditions then your business will grow. However, while you may strive for excellence on every occasion most of the time there is always the potential for something to go wrong. While most minor problems can be corrected with an apology or the skilful intervention of your customer services team some things are more serious and could lead to legal action or a claim for compensation against your company. Read More»
If you want to change the world by bringing your own product or service to the marketplace, then you may be excited at the prospects ahead. After all, you may have identified your offering as unique or special and your market research indicates that it is likely to find a lot of favour. As part of your preparations, you will need to employ some staff and may need to open a shop or other facility in order to welcome your clientele. Read More»